Sponsor & Donor Recognition, and the Winners of Our 2nd Drawing Revealed!

Thank you to everyone who donated as part of our 2020 Annual Celebration Fundraiser! Continue reading to see the full list of event sponsors and donors, and check out the video to learn the winners of our 2nd and final prize drawing!

We’re so grateful to everyone who gave the council for our 2020 Annual Celebration & Fundraiser. We raised nearly $6,200, and since our last prize drawing, we have received another 15 gifts for a total of over $2,200!

Check out the video below to see the results of our second and final prize drawing. Each of the winners revealed will receive a bottle of wine courtesy of our friends at High Pass or Brigadoon wineries.

We would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of our sponsors and donors to this campaign!

Event Sponsors





This virtual event was also made possible in part with a grant from Benton Soil & Water Conservation District!


Community Donors

Paul Atkinson & Laughing Stock Farm, Laura Coulter-Beebe, Peg Boulay, Gayle Colehour, Paula Conn, Janet Donnelly, Natalie Dybens, Taylor Evans, Amanda Gilbert, Robin FitzClemen, Al Hrynyshyn, Derek Johnson, Laura Johnson, Sara Kaul & Robert Murphy, Kindle Cascadia, Liz Kingslien, Gary Lech & Sally Smith, Fraser MacDonald, In honor of Piper Malan, Patricia McDowell, Matt Michel, Shelly Miller, Steve Sertic, Steve Soltesz, Jodi Sommers, Jon Texter, Iris Tiedt & Ryan Collay, and Jabrila Via!  

We hope you were able to tune into our virtual annual celebration broadcast Tuesday night, but if not, you can still catch the full broadcast at your leisure, including the video “Building a Brighter Tomorrow Together” (produced by Cliff Eztel) on our website to view this broadcast and the other short lead up videos released over the preceding week.