Thank You for Your Help!

Dear Volunteers,

We wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you for joining us on Wednesday, August 9th, at Monroe City Park. Your time and effort helped make our outing a great success!

Thanks to your hard work, we made significant progress in controlling invasive water primrose-willow (Ludwigia) and protecting the health of our watershed. As you learned, Ludwigia’s aggressive growth can have devastating impacts on aquatic habitats, water quality, and navigation. By working together, we’re helping to stop its spread and ensure the long-term health of the Long Tom Watershed and surrounding areas.

Your support is essential to our continued success, and we couldn’t do it without you. Whether you paddled out to remove plants or learned more about this invasive species, your engagement is key in keeping our waterways healthy.

We hope you had a fun and informative day on the water. We’re grateful for your commitment, and we look forward to seeing you at future events!


Wednesday, August 9th
Monroe City Park
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
RSVP to reserve your space!

Volunteers needed! Join Amanda Reinholtz, LTWC’s River Scientist & GIS Specialist, for a fun summer outing on the water. Lend a helping hand to the watershed while also learning about invasive water primrose-willow (ludwigia) and how to control it.

Ludwigia has an extremely aggressive growth pattern. In just a couple of years, it can take over slower-moving bodies of water, forming dense mats that may span the entire water body and form a thick fringe of vegetation at the water’s edge. It can alter flow, impair aquatic habitat, reduce available oxygen in the water, interfere with navigation, recreation, and water withdrawal, and pose threats to water delivery and flood conveyance. Ludwigia populations in and around Eugene and the Long Tom Watershed are the oldest and furthest upstream populations of the plant in the Willamette system. This makes them source populations that lead to the spread of ludwigia to downstream areas. LTWC and partners have been highly successful in managing the spread of ludwigia over the years and have seen significant decreases in their populations. Sustained success depends on engagement from volunteers and property owners, so you’re help is extremely valuable! 

Snacks and training provided. Bring your own canoe or kayak, or use one of ours.

A limited number of canoes are available. To reserve a space, or for questions, please contact Amanda Reinholtz: | 540-230-0024