received Salmon Safe Certification
and had questions about how to
achieve the LID goals set for them.
LTWC’s here to help from assessment
assessment through design,
permitting, and installation.
In a partnership with Portland-based Salmon Safe (SS), LTWC is reaching out to businesses that meet SS criteria in the Eugene/Springfield metro area to gauge interest in certification. Once a business is certified for the initial trail period, LTWC provides technical assistance in meeting the criteria laid out by the SS panel of experts to ensure that businesses can maintain certification. Typical technical, financial and marketing assistance is similar to the Trout Friendly Landscapes (TFL) program. Support is also provided in the review of operation and other company manuals as appropriate. Salmon Safe certification expands marketing and outreach built into their mission statement and operation guidelines. Commercial and industrial businesses, educational campuses, contractors, wineries, breweries and other businesses can all become certified.
For more information on Salmon Safe Certification contact:
Sarah Whitney, RLA
Urban Restoration & Stormwater Specialist
urbanwaters at longtom.org