LTWC is recruiting a consultant to implement the community outreach and restoration planning component of Lower Long Tom River Enhancement Project.
RFQ due October 10

LTWC has received grant funding from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board to begin developing a plan for the improvement of the habitat and hydrology of the lower Long Tom River from the Fern Ridge Dam downstream to Monroe. The goal of the project is to develop a plan that will increase the river’s capacity, improve habitat conditions for native fish and wildlife, and improve fish migration while considering the needs and perspectives of local landowners and the community.
LTWC is recruiting a qualified consultant to implement the community outreach and restoration plan development component of the project. LTWC, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and many cooperating private landowners are partners on this project. This Contract will be managed and paid for by the Council.
Read the full RFQ here
Bids due: Monday October 10, 2016 at 5 p.m. at the Long Tom Watershed Council office. Bids can be mailed, hand delivered, or emailed. Bids must meet requirements listed in section 5.0 of the RFQ.
Questions and Bids shall be directed to:
Jed Kaul, Long Tom Watershed Council
751 S. Danebo Avenue
Eugene, OR 97402
Office phone: 541-338-7058
Cell phone: 541-954-4284