Free Public Meeting
*Monday, November 26, 7 – 9 p.m.
Lane Community College Longhouse
(*Note that this is a different date and time from our usual event schedule)

Read more in our November Newsletter!
Join the Long Tom Watershed Council and Siletz tribal member and language and culture bearer, Joe Scott, for a presentation on the history and traditional life ways of the Tribes and Bands that make up today’s Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. Learn about Siletz history and language, and a spiritual and material culture tied to the land that thrives to this day. Joe will also talk about the Team TEK (Traditional Ecological Knowledge) Youth Education Program, for which he is the curriculum coordinator. Team TEK provides high school and college-age Native youth opportunities to learn about traditional knowledge, language and history, and habitat restoration practices in the area directly from Native educators. As a preview of topic, check out the language map below, which shows the linguistic and cultural diversity of indigenous peoples of western Oregon.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend this free event! Light refreshments provided.
Monday, November 26, 7 – 9 p.m. at the LCC Longhouse (click here for campus map)
The Longhouse is located at Lane Community College (LCC) at 4000 East 30th Ave., Eugene. The Longhouse is located near the southwest corner of the track and field. Attendees are welcome to park in Lot A.
We hope you’ll join us for this presentation!
Questions? Rob: 541-338-7055,