The Long Tom Watershed Council is proud of its strong relationship with our Agriculture Community. Over the years we’ve worked with many ag partners toward shared habitat and water quality goals on numerous projects throughout the watershed.
Two recent issues of USDA’s Inside Agroforestry, highlighted Laughing Stock Farm owner Paul Atkinson and Confluence Farms’ Trey and Tammie Hagen. In the articles, these Long Tom Landowners share their stories about their land, personal values, and motivations for partnering with the council to improve watershed health. These are great stories of community driven conservation in action!

Owner Paul Atkinson worked with the
council to replace a culvert and increase
habitat complexity along a seasonal stream.

Ferguson South Fork Ferguson Creeks
where the Hagen family worked with
LTWC to improve over 2 miles of stream.
(Photo Raptorviews, Philip Bayles,
Inside Agroforestry is a publication of the USDA National Agroforestry Center. Thank you to the Atkinson and Hagen families for sharing their stories for this article, and to Kate MacFarland at USDA for her work to help make these articles happen!