Feb 16, 2017 Public Meeting: Long Tom River Landowners – Come review the maps please!

Long Tom River Habitat Enhancement Project – Public Meeting #2
Thurs, Feb 16, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Monroe Community Library
380 N 5th St, Monroe, OR 97456
(Meet and greet with Clinton Begley at 5:30 p.m.)

Read more in our February Newsletter

About 40 stakeholders attended our Nov public meeting in Monroe introducing the Lower Long Tom Enhancement Plan.


In November, the Council kicked off an outreach and engagement process to identify habitat enhancement opportunities for the Long Tom River downstream of Fern Ridge Reservoir. The Council is hosting a second public meeting on this project on February 16. This meeting will feature Pete Gruendike from River Design Group explaining the maps, thoughts from the project leads, partners and technical folks, and time for your review and comments. The inundation maps show where water is using its floodplain under a range of winter flow conditions. During 2017 these maps and conversations with landowners will be used to help us all generate ideas for future habitat enhancement projects that landowners could implement if they’d like, and the Council will help with technical components and grants as usual. We invite your participation at this meeting to learn more about the mapping process, tell us how these maps line up with water levels you observe on your property or elsewhere, and to generate and share ideas for better habitat along and around the Long Tom River.



  • Peter Gruendike, River Design Group Engineer and Technical ConsultantCameron Bishop, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Natural Resource Specialist
  • Denise Hoffert, Outreach & Improvement Plan Consultant
  • Jed Kaul, LTWC Fish Biologist

Free and open to all!

Refreshments provided
Questions?  Denise Hoffert, denise@confluence.org or 541-619-5896. Or Dana, dana@longtom.org

There will be an informal meet and greet with new Executive Director, Clinton Begley, from 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. at the Monroe Library. All are welcome to come early, chat with Clinton, and enjoy some coffee and refreshments!