Support Your Watershed

Please fill out the form below to donate online with your credit card 

Long Tom Watershed Council is a Guidestar/Candid. Gold Nonprofit! We are committed to financial health and transparency to the public we serve, and our valued donors. You can learn more by visiting our Guidestar Profile, as well as our annual report. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call.

Yes! I would like to donate to one or more of the funds of the Long Tom Watershed Council to invest in habitat and water quality enhancements!

  • Enter the amount of UNRESTRICED donation you wish to donate. Enter a full dollar and cents amount with a decimal point.
  • The Earth Care Interfaith Fund was created by local Faith Community Leaders in 2017 to support the values of people of faith in the greater Eugene-Springfield area for the” stewardship of creation” through partnerships with local organizations. This joint fund shared with our friends at McKenzie River Trust, will support activities and materials for planting, plant establishment (maintenance of plantings), and plant conservation in the Long Tom Watershed Council’s service area and provide much needed local match funding for the council’s important work in the watershed. Trees, shrubs, and other plants, have the ability to absorb and store carbon from the atmosphere. Planting and maintaining trees serves to address concerns for many people about their carbon footprint.
  • The Traditional Ecological Inquiry Program recognizes and honors the unique ecological knowledge and traditions of its Tribally diverse interns, families and friends. In doing so, we recognize and honor the Cultural Protocols – customs and norms associated with traditional Food ways and Material Culture – brought to the Program by participants. This Program has come into being, grown and become what it is through the thoughtful generosity of its supporters. Individuals, funder and donors have worked with us through the years and seen our vision come to life.
  • At 85 feet wide and about 9.5 feet high, the Monroe drop structure completely spans the river. It was built at the site of a former mill race. The mill race fish ladder is passable only by adult fish (primarily cutthroat trout) at certain water levels. The Monroe drop structure completely blocks juvenile salmon, including federally threatened upper Willamette spring-run chinook salmon, which rear in the Long Tom River after hatching in the McKenzie and Middle Fork Willamette rivers. The Monroe drop structure also stymies passage of anadromous Pacific lamprey. All generous contributions help make this multi-million dollar project a success.
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All donations are tax-deductible. You may also give by calling into the Council office at 541-654-8965 or sending your check to:

Long Tom Watershed Council
11 E. 27th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405

Set up a Monthly or Quarterly Donation! Simply fill out our Authorization for Donations via ACH form and mail to the address above, or scan/email to