Discounted Storm Drain Cleaning Program

Lane County Partners with Stormwater Protection Systems to Offer Discounted Storm Drain Cleaning for Businesses


Lane County has teamed up with Stormwater Protection Systems to offer discounted storm drain cleaning, through the Stormdrain Cleaning Assistance Program. This voluntary program for businesses located in Lane County offers cleaning of parking lot drains for a flat fee of $70 per drain. Currently, the program is offered in the fall and spring each year.Storm drains play a crucial role in removing pollutants and preventing flooding. If you’re a local business owner or manage a multifamily housing unit, it’s up to you to keep your storm drain clean and functional. By participating, you’ll help reduce water pollution and improve local water quality—making a positive impact on our community.Businesses that want to schedule a cleaning can call Stormwater Protection Systems at 541-484-7200 or fill out this online registration form: The $70 per drain fee covers removal of debris from standard parking lots drains, power washing in and around the drain, and disposal.  They also handle the automatic submission of maintenance records for your convenience! It does not include jetting, repair or oversized storm drains. The service provider may offer a quote for additional services that business owners are free to accept or decline. Last year, 66 businesses across Lane County participated, some with multiple storm drains. In all, 259 storm drains were cleaned.More information about the program can be found at from the Spring 2024 issue of Clean Water Connections, City of Eugene)