Embracing New Opportunities and Honoring Progress

OCTOBER 24TH 6:00pm-8:00pm

The event will be held at the Long Tom Grange 25823 Ferguson Rd, Junction City, OR

The evening will include:

 Live music from Never Ever Band

Updates on significant LTWC projects

Land acknowledgment

Recognition of outstanding contributions to the watershed

Appreciation of staff – Heavy hors d’oeuvres (gluten free, vegan, and non-vegan options)

Election of new Board Member(s)

 Board Member Elect J.J.

Read more below

Questions?  info@longtom.org or call 541-654-8965 ext 101


 Please consider making a donation to help support the watershed that you love. Your gift is an investment in the land and waters upon which we base our lives and livelihood. Your donations help our team continue the vital work that is restorative and healing for the land, water and the communities that call the watershed home. Please consider asking your employer to match your gift, and please consider the Council in your estate plan.

Thank you!

Please consider making a donation to help support the watershed that you love. Your gift is an investment in the land and waters upon which we base our lives and livelihood. Your donations help our team continue the vital work that is restorative and healing for the land, water and the communities that call the watershed home. Please consider asking your employer to match your gift, and please consider the Council in your estate plan. THANK YOU!  

 You can donate at longtom.org/donate      |       OR Mail a check, payable to LTWC, to 11 East 27th Ave, Eugene, OR 97405  

Jessica “J.J. ” Jones Board Member Elect

Senior Project Manager at Eugene Water & Electric Board

Jessica has called Eugene and Lane County home for over 13 years. Along with her husband, Jessica resides on a rural property on Coyote Creek, south of Crow, Oregon, that includes cattle pasture, oak savannah, wetlands, and riparian areas.  For more than a decade, their property has been the site of a Long Tom Watershed Council restoration project that included the installation and maintenance of extensive fencing to protect sensitive creekside vegetation from cattle. To further enhance the health of the ecosystem, a solar-powered pumping system was installed to provide water for the cattle, allowing the creek to recover from the impact of direct livestock access. Additionally, invasive plant species have been systematically removed, and more than 30,000 native plants have been introduced to restore the area’s natural biodiversity. Jessica brings a diverse academic and professional background to her work. She holds a BA in Biological Anthropology, an MBA, and a Permaculture Design Certificate from Oregon State University’s Extension Service. Her career has spanned various sectors, including management consulting, consumer products, commercial agriculture, and utilities. This unique combination of experiences allows Jessica to bring a systems-thinking approach to problem-solving, with a deep commitment to sustainability and long-term ecological health.

Jessica was voted in as a Board member elect during  June’s monthly board meeting.  As such, she will stand  for a vote at the Long Tom Watershed Council’s Annual Membership Meeting on October 24th 2024. To learn more about our board of directors visit or board membership, visit our Board Directory Page HERE

To submit an Interest form or board member application click HERE



  • The Carnine Family

SPONSOR(S) -$500

  • Royal Blue Organics


  • Margaret Mcdonald and Thomas Lively


As the Long Tom Watershed Council embarks on a new chapter of growth and development, we invite you to join us as a sponsor of our Annual Meeting and Celebration to be held on Thursday, October 24th, 2024, from 6:00pm to 8:00 p.m. at the Long Tom Grange. This year’s theme centers around the exciting transitions we are experiencing—new leadership (in the new year), new partnerships, and new opportunities. The evening will be dedicated to celebrating these transitions, the strength of the community partnerships, and the programs and staff that have sustained and propelled our work. As is our tradition, new board members will stand for election, and we will recognize outstanding volunteers and partners. Attendees can expect heavy hors d’oeuvres, hosted beer and wine, and a chance to mingle with other Long Tom supporters. We hope you will join us as a sponsor for this annual event. Your support will ensure a successful evening and the continued health of our watershed.


Interested in Joining our List of Sponsors?

Contact our Operations Manager Shawna Heurgue at  operations@longtom.org  Or use form below to indicate donation or  sponsorship level Checks may also be mailed to 11 E 27th Ave Eugene, OR 97405

The sponsorship opportunities available for this year’s celebration are:

Presenting Sponsor $1,000+

  • Complimentary Tickets: 4 complimentary tickets to the Annual Celebration
  • Title Inclusion: Your business name included in the event invitation:

 Annual Celebration presented by __________________

  • Event Materials: Logo on table tent/poster at the event
  • Program Inclusion: Logo in the event program
  • Event Program: Verbal recognition during the event
  • Newsletter: Mention in our fall newsletter about the event
  • Social Media: Recognition in social media posts and on the Long Tom Watershed Council websites event page

Sponsor $500

  • Complimentary Tickets: 2 complimentary tickets to the Annual Celebration
  • Event Materials: Logo on table tent/poster at the event
  • Program Inclusion: Logo in the event program
  • Event Program: Verbal recognition during the event
  • Newsletter: Mention in our fall newsletter article about the event
  • Social media: Recognition in social media posts promoting the event

Supporter $250

  • Event Materials: Logo on table tent/poster at the event
  • Program Inclusion: Logo in the event program
  • Event Program: Verbal recognition during the event
  • Newsletter: Mention in our fall newsletter article about the event
  • Social Media: Recognition in social media posts promoting the event

In-Kind Sponsor donation valued at a minimum of $250 (ex: wine, flowers, gift certificates)

  • Event Materials: Logo on table tent/poster at the event
  • Program Inclusion: Logo in the event program
  • Event Program: Verbal recognition during the event
  • Newsletter: Mention in our fall newsletter article about the event
  • Social media: Recognition in social media posts promoting the event
We hope you will consider joining us as a sponsor for this annual celebration. Together, we will continue to strengthen our shared vision for a healthy Long Tom Watershed and build and sustain the relationships that are critical to our collective success.
Check back soon for more program information including the menu and event program.

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LTWC's 2024 Annual Celebration Registration Form

"*" indicates required fields

Event Registration

Pay what you can. Suggested ticket price Adult : $50 / person | Kids under 12 free!

Quantity of Tickets

Based on the number of people in your family / group / party, please indicate the quantity of ticket(s) you wish to purchase.
Suggested Price is $50 /ticket . Please choose any of the following amounts /per ticket: $25 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 Ex: If paying full price enter $50 then enter the number of tickets next. If unable to pay enter $0.00
If unable to attend but would like to donate, choose "0"
Youth Under 12 are free.
Options: Presenting Sponsor $1000+ Sponsor $500 Supporter $250
Enter any additional amount you would like to contribute today.

If you paid more than $50 for your ticket, please complete the rest for the donation receipt. Thanks You!

To make this gift in Honor or Memory of someone, please complete the fields below.
Name in honor/memory of

Payment Information

Credit Card
If paying by check send to 11 E 27th Ave Eugene, OR 97405 and indicate " Annual Meeting" and # of tickets purchasing in Memo line

Yes, I would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support the Council

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


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