2024 Annual Celebration


Register Below

LTWC's 2024 Annual Celebration Registration Form

"*" indicates required fields

Event Registration

Pay what you can. Suggested ticket price Adult : $50 / person | Kids under 12 free!

Quantity of Tickets

Based on the number of people in your family / group / party, please indicate the quantity of ticket(s) you wish to purchase.
Suggested Price is $50 /ticket . Please choose any of the following amounts /per ticket: $25 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 Ex: If paying full price enter $50 then enter the number of tickets next. If unable to pay enter $0.00
If unable to attend but would like to donate, choose "0"
Youth Under 12 are free.
Options: Presenting Sponsor $1000+ Sponsor $500 Supporter $250
Enter any additional amount you would like to contribute today.

If you paid more than $50 for your ticket, please complete the rest for the donation receipt. Thanks You!

To make this gift in Honor or Memory of someone, please complete the fields below.
Name in honor/memory of

Payment Information

Credit Card
If paying by check send to 11 E 27th Ave Eugene, OR 97405 and indicate " Annual Meeting" and # of tickets purchasing in Memo line

Yes, I would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support the Council

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.