Upper Long Tom Fencing & Off-Channel Watering at Sertic’s

sertic fencing project

Installed riparian fencing and planted native trees and shrubs along 750 feet of stream habitat. Installed off-channel watering stations for livestock. Click here for before and after project photos. Date Implementation Complete: August 2005 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Steve Sertic (landowner) Cost: $5,452

Bear Creek Fish Passage Enhancement at Noble’s

Bear Creek at Noble's

Removed 2 fish passage barriers to reconnect 5 miles of cutthroat spawning and rearing habitat; removed invasive species, planted native vegetation, and installed fencing. Click here for a full project profile. Date Implementation Complete: June 2007 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, OR Dept of Fish & Wildlife, Willamette Conservation Network, Hal & Kathy … Read more

Owens Creek Fish Passage & Riparian Enhancement at Turner’s

Owens Creek at Turner's

Removed fish passage barrier to reconnect over 5 miles of cutthroat trout spawning and rearing habitat; removed invasive species and planted native vegetation along 528 feet of Owens Creek. Click here for before and after project photos. Date Implementation Complete: June 2007 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, OR Dept of Fish & Wildlife, … Read more

Ferguson Creek Riparian & Stream Enhancement at Moffett’s & Bartlett’s

Ferguson Creek at Moffett & Bartlett

Installed 9 rock weirs to prevent stream headcutting; placed large wood and created stream terraces; planted native vegetation and installed fencing along 3,700 feet of stream. Click here for before and after project photos. Date Implementation Complete: June 2007 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board; OR Dept of Fish & Wildlife; Willamette Conservation Initiative; … Read more

Polyrock Ranch Fish Passage & Riparian Enhancement

Polyrock Ranch at Coyote Creek

Replaced multiple fish passage barriers on Jordan and Coyote Creeks on Mattson family’s 440-acre ranch. Opened up 46 miles of cutthroat trout spawning and rearing habitat; planted native trees and shrubs and installed fencing along over 8,700 feet of stream habitat. Click here for a full project profile. Date Implementation Complete: October 2012 Funding & … Read more

Riparian & Wetland Enhancement at Huntons’ Farm

pond at Huntson's farm

Enhanced a one-acre wetland and created established a grassed waterway on a seasonal drainages to Lower Amazon Creek at a working farm near Alvadore. Click here for a full project profile. Date Implementation Complete: June 2007 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Tom Hunton (landowner) Cost: $28,835

Upper Poodle Creek Fish Passage & Riparian Enhancement at Heidt’s

Upper Poodle Cr at Heidt

Reconnected access to 1/2 mile of high quality cutthroat trout spawning and rearing habitat; terraced banks to reduce erosion and better accommodate winter flows; planted native trees and shrubs along 1/2 mile of upper Poodle Creek. Click here for before and after project photos. Date Implementation Complete: December 2009 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement … Read more

Riparian Enhancement at Gibson’s

Removed Reed canarygrass and planted native trees and shrubs around an existing wildlife pond. Date Implementation Complete: December 2009 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Scott Gibson (landower) Cost: $12,395

Spencer Creek Tributary Fish Passage at Jaros’

Spencer Creek at Jaros

Replaced 2 undersized culverts with larger culverts, reconnecting fish passage for a tributary of Spencer Creek. Click here for before and after project photos. Date Implementation Complete: December 2009 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Derek & Diane Jaros (landowners) Cost: $30,702

Lower Long Tom Riparian Enhancement at Stroda’s

Stroda riparian enhancement

Planted native trees and removed invasive species along 2,000 feet and 1 acre of lower Long Tom River at Stroda Brothers Farm. Click here for before and after project photos. Date Implementation Complete: December 2009 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Stroda Brothers Farm (landowners) Cost: $2,045