Spencer Creek Tributary Fish Passage at Jaros’

Spencer Creek at Jaros

Replaced 2 undersized culverts with larger culverts, reconnecting fish passage for a tributary of Spencer Creek. Click here for before and after project photos. Date Implementation Complete: December 2009 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Derek & Diane Jaros (landowners) Cost: $30,702

Lower Long Tom Riparian Enhancement at Stroda’s

Stroda riparian enhancement

Planted native trees and removed invasive species along 2,000 feet and 1 acre of lower Long Tom River at Stroda Brothers Farm. Click here for before and after project photos. Date Implementation Complete: December 2009 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Stroda Brothers Farm (landowners) Cost: $2,045

Top Lake Riparian Enhancement at Polyrock Ranch

Top Lake at Mattson's

Removed invasive species and planted native trees and shrubs along shore of wetland on Polyrock Ranch along Territorial Rd in the Coyote Creek sub-basin. Click here for before and after project photos. Date Implementation Complete: December 2009 Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Deborah & Alan Mattson (landowners) Cost: $10,438

Coyote Creek Tributary Fish Passage & Stream Restoration at Laughing Stock Farm

planting at Laughing Stock Farm

Restored habitat for fish and wildlife along a 1,400-foot section of a seasonal tributary to Coyote Creek at Laughing Stock Farm along Territorial Rd. LTWC replaced an undersized culvert that impaired fish passage for native species like cutthroat trout moving upstream. We also re-meandered the tributary channel to improve the movement of water and planted native … Read more

Grassed Waterway at Stroda Brothers Christmas Tree Farm

stroda grassed waterway

Stroda Brothers Farm worked with the Council in 2010 to install a 1,200 foot grassed waterway that runs the length of a seasonal drainage on their Christmas tree farm near Cheshire. The steep, eroding drainage caused sediment and valuable soil to wash downstream, impacting both water quality and the soil. Click here for a full … Read more

Owens Creek Stream & Riparian Enhancement at McFadden’s

Owens Creek at McFadden

Owens Creek is an important stream for both resident cutthroat trout and cutthroat migrating upstream from larger rivers like the Willamette. On the McFadden property, the Council installed riparian fencing, removed invasive blackberry, and planted native trees and shrubs along 1/3 mile of Owens Creek. We also established 2 off-stream watering stations for livestock and … Read more

South Fork Ferguson Creek Fish Passage Enhancement at BLM

South Fork Ferguson Cr 2010

Restored fish passage and provided access to over 3/4 mile of stream habitat for cutthroat trout and other native aquatic species by replacing an undersized culvert with a stream-simulation pipe arch culvert. Click here to see before and after photos. Date Implementation Complete: September 2010 Funding & Partners: Bureau of Land Management Cost: $82,796