Spencer Creek / Old Gimpl Hill

(2018-2023)  The project improved 40 acres of oak woodland and savanna habitat structure, function, native species diversity, and connectivity on two private properties within the Spencer and Coyote creek subwatersheds of the Long Tom Watershed. The project also enhanced native shrub diversity and reduced invasive species along a tributary of Coyote Creek. The properties are … Read more


Chalamali (also known as Andrew Reasoner Wildlife Preserve) is a 293-acre, privately owned property in Lane County, with a 151-acre conservation zone comprising mixed oak woodlands, oak savanna, prairie, and a 142-acre forestry management zone. Since acquiring the property in 2004, the landowner’s family has worked with restoration partners to improve and maintain the oak … Read more

South Marsh Phase II

With NAWCA funding, LTWC partnered with the US Army Corps of Engineers to complete a second phase of habitat restoration at South Marsh. The project included prairie restoration across 69 acres, lowland oak woodland restoration across 15 acres, and woody wetland restoration across 30 acres.

Willamette Mainstem Habitat Enhancement Work

Mainstem Willamette River Projects Since 2013 LTWC has worked with public and private landowners along the mainstem Willamette River just east of the Long Tom Watershed to restore river processes and improve habitat for important fish and wildlife species. The Willamette River and its floodplain have gone through drastic changes since the 1850’s as the … Read more