17th Annual Celebration – Thank you supporters and guests!
October 23 Annual Meeting & Celebration Lewis & Clark Catering event center
Many thanks to all our wonderful friends and supporters who came out to our Annual Meeting & Celebration on October 23! Over 100 people attended to make this one of our most well-attended events ever.
Thank you to our Presenting Sponsors Mountain Rose Herbs and Ninkasi Brewing Co, our Corporate Sponsors EWEB and Wilbur-Ellis, and sponsors Oregon Country Fair, Stroda Brothers Farm and Weyerhaeuser Co.
Special thanks to all our award recipients, and the amazing Board members and volunteers who help make the Council the amazing organization that it is.
Check out some of the photos from the event.
Board member Mike Brinkley will be representing LTWC at Taste the Watershed
Board member Steve Horning introduces
The menu was a fantastic spread of delicious local food – featuring donated ingredients from Cattail Creek Lamb, Polyrock Ranch, and Organically Grown Co
Board members Beth Krisko (2nd from left), Sue Kacskos (middle) and Steve Cole (far right) are recognized for their outstanding board service.
Nikos Ridge of Presenting Sponsor and supporter Ninkasi Brewing Co. accepts the award for Sustaining Private Entity.
Leah Davis receives an award for outstanding volunteerism.
Staff members of Lane County accept the award for Sustaining Public Entity.
James Millard receives an award for Outstanding Volunteer
Incoming Board member Lindsay Reaves (left) is elected to the board for 2014, and David Ponder (right) is re-elected to his position on the board for another term.
Guest speaker Stan Gregory – Distinguished and award-winning educator and professor at OSU’s fisheries & wildlife program.
Our outstanding project contractor award recipient, Grahm Trask
Ed Alverson receives the Outstanding Technical Volunteer Award
John & Christine Deck are recognized for their awesome support through their restoration project at Deck Family Farm.
Cliff Brown accepts the award for outstanding project landowner on behalf of the Brown Family.
Becky Flitcroft, also an outstanding technical volunteer award